Providing individualized services for your child
From routine cleanings and fillings to bruxism devices, we are equipped to handle all your dental needs. To help you understand your options, we’ve included descriptions of some of our leading services on this page.
- Conscious Oral Sedation
- Nitrous Oxide Sedation
- Parental education for awareness and prevention
- Cleanings and Flouride Treatment
- Sealants
- Extractions
- Pulpotomy (Baby Root Canal)
- Pediatric Crowns
- Fillings
- Orthodontics – Braces – Invisalign
- Habit breaking appliances
- Space Maintainers
- Bonding
- Cosmetic Contouring
- Whitening
For our patient’s convenience, our office has an on-site Orthodontist, so that all of our patients dental care needs are performed in one location.
For your convenience prior to visiting our office, please print and fill out this form, and complete the information and bring it with you to your first visit.